Primitive Art Supplies

{{Using the most primitive art supplies:  sticks, twigs, roots, moss, and my hands}}

We are going to be doing a couple projects and lessons about electricity in our 4h club.  One of the first activities the book takes the kids through is listing their favorite things to do and then deciding if those things take electricity to do, reminding them that batteries are electricity.  

What a good exercise for adults too!  And, it has led to a lot of reflection for me especially during this Holy Week.

 I sat by the pond Tuesday thinking about such things.  No electricity in Jesus' time on earth.  No widespread use of electricity even in Nebraska until the early 1900s.  Thinking about such things  I played with just what was at my feet and my sides.  

Of course I was certainly using electricity to capture these images with my phone!   We will never again be void of electricity in our world.  When you really think about our reliance on it, it is almost scary.

I know my girls will have fun going out with me again to create a little collage themselves!

And, then there were the roots.  I've always been fascinated by roots.  This time I saw a fairy.  Do you see it too?  And, then with lots of electricity...a little photo editing....

I'm always been a bit put off by the notion of "believing in fairies" in children books.  However,  I do love imagination!  And, when I see a fairy in the roots...I think I have to go with it!

I hope this Easter Triduum will be a blessed time for you with simple pleasures!


  1. A world without electricity is almost unimaginable these days. We had a power outage several weeks ago and I wandered around the house wondering what to do with myself. I finally settled down and made some cards. It was lovely. An electricity/device fast for a couple of hours each day might be an idea for me for Lent next year. Or as a fast later on this year.
    Love your simple art. And the picture of you sitting by the pond thinking.

  2. Another beautiful post of your touching heart-thoughts, dear Jill! We do need to pray for the safety of our power grid from now on, I'm sad to say. The world changed again the other day.


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