The Value of Presence

I came across a website called Caritas Podcasts a week or so ago.  I've listened to a couple of the podcasts while cleaning. The theme of the podcasts is learning to live a spiritual life in the secular world. It was great; I put it on my phone (wifi connection), slipped it in my back pocket, and I could listen no matter where I went in the house.    I know all of you have probably been doing this kind of thing for quite awhile, but I'm a little slow sometimes....ha! Anyway, I see a lot more podcasts in my future.  
One of the ones I listened to today was with Teresa Burns, their 5th podcast.  Teresa works here at a shelter for abused women. What she said really struck me and when I got the time to go to the computer I made this print of her words with a picture of some verbena from my garden. 

Really.  It is humility, knowing our limitations.  It's putting our faith in God and not ourselves.  And, look how the burden is lifted from yourself when you do that.
And, the value of presence.  Yes.  Gosh.  Wonderful.
The flip side of this quote is also powerful.  No one person can fulfill all your needs in your life.
I loved this. 
I hope you do too.

Thank you to Elise and Brigid for these podcasts! The links will take you to their own blogs.  It's great to hear others share their faith!

1 comment

  1. Ah, yes. That's a lovely image to go along with the words you've chosen. No human will ever be enough and we all fail others. Still, we go on in faith.


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